Overview of the MIBI staining protocol with Ionpath reagents and slides.
Prepare and Bake the Slides
Ionpath Reagent:
- MIBI Slides (Cat #: 567001)
Deparaffinization and Rehydration
Ionpath Reagent:
- MIBI diH2O (Cat#: 567002)
Heat-Induced Antigen Retrieval
Ionpath Reagent:
- MIBI 20X TBS-T (Cat#: 567005)
Antibody Staining
Ionpath Reagents:
- MIBI Conjugated Antibodies (Cat#: variable)
- MIBI Conjugation Kits (Cat#: variable)
Fixation and Dehydration
Ionpath Reagents:
- MIBI 20X TBS-T (Cat#: 567005)
- MIBI 10X PBS (Cat#: 567004)
- MIBI 10X Tris pH8.5 (Cat#: 567003)
- MIBI diH2O (Cat#: 567002)
Dry and Store the Slides