MIBI Webinar Series

MIBI Webinar Series

Learn how you can perform comprehensive single-cell analysis, with spatial context—all in one image with multiplexed ion beam imaging (MIBI) technology. This three-part webinar series provides an overview, applications, and data analysis capabilities of MIBI. See how MIBI enables unprecedented, comprehensive analysis of the tumor microenvironment.

  • Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging – Applications in Immuno-Oncology, Neuroscience, and Beyond
  • Introduction to Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI)
  • Data Acquisition and Visualization of Highly Multiplexed Tissue Images

Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging – Applications in Immuno-oncology, Neuroscience, and Beyond

Presented by: Dr. Tyler Risom, Stanford University

Dr. Risom reviews how the MIBI platform has enabled discovery in the fields of immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and additional areas of translational research.

Introduction to Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI)

Presented by: Maciej Zerkowski, FAS, Ionpath

This webinar provides an introduction to the MIBI technology and MIBIscope system as well as examples of the valuable insight offered by the highly multiplexed data that it generates.

Data Acquisition and Visualization of Highly Multiplexed Tissue Images

Presented by: Harini Babu, Software Product Manager, Ionpath

An overview and demo of MIBIcontrol, the browser-based image acquisition software, and MIBItracker, the cloud-based platform for storing, visualizing, and sharing MIBI data.

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