Helios Antibody – 160Gd

Catalog: 716002
Clone: D4Z6D
Isotype: Rabbit IgG
Reactivity: Human*
Application: MIBI-FFPE
Storage: Supplied in antibody stabilizer with 0.05% sodium azide. Store at 4°C
IHC: Helios staining of FFPE human high-grade B-cell lymphoma
MIBI: Helios staining (cyan) of FFPE human high-grade B-cell lymphoma, costained with dsDNA (magenta)
IHC: Helios staining of FFPE human T-cell lymphoma
MIBI: Helios staining (cyan) of FFPE human T-cell lymphoma, costained with dsDNA (magenta)
Background: Helios, also known as IKZF2, is an Ikaros family transcription factor composed of several zinc fingers that mediate DNA binding and homodimerization or heterodimerization with other Ikaros family proteins. Helios expression is mainly restricted to T cells and early hematopoietic progenitors. In regulatory T cells, expression of Helios contributes to an anergic phenotype by binding to the IL-2 promoter and suppressing IL-2 transcription.

Validation: Each lot of conjugated antibody is quality control tested by staining tissue following the MIBI Staining Protocol optimized for the applicable tissue format with subsequent MIBIscope analysis using the appropriate positive and negative tissue field of views. These results are pathologist verified.

Recommended Usage: Human FFPE: 1:100 dilution.
For optimal results, the antibody should be titrated for each desired application.

MIBI technology: Learn more about MIBI Technology, a multiplex IHC technology with unmatched sensitivity and true subcellular resolution.

Ian Baine et al. Helios induces epigenetic silencing of IL2 gene expression in regulatory T cells. J of Immunology. 2013 Feb 1;190(3):1008-16.

K Hahm et al. Helios, a T cell-restricted Ikaros family member that quantitatively associates with Ikaros at centromeric heterochromatin. Genes Dev. 1998 Mar 15;12(6):782-96.

* Conjugate tested on human tissue.

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