DC-SIGN Antibody – 173Yb

Catalog: 717301                                        Clone: DCN46                                          Isotype: Mouse IgG2b
Reactivity: Human*
Storage: DC-SIGN antibody is supplied in antibody stabilizer with 0.05% sodium azide. Store at 4°C
DC-SIGN staining of FFPE human tonsil
IHC: DC-SIGN antibody staining of  FFPE human tonsil
DC-SIGN staining of FFPE human tonsil with dsDNA
MIBI: DC-SIGN antibody staining (cyan) of FFPE human tonsil,  costained with dsDNA (magenta)
DC-SIGN staining of FFPE human liver
IHC: DC-SIGN antibody staining of  FFPE human liver
DC-SIGN staining of FFPE human liver with dsDNA
MIBI: DC-SIGN antibody staining
(cyan) of FFPE human liver, costained with dsDNA (magenta)
Background: DC-SIGN (​D​endritic ​C​ell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin) also known as CD209, is expressed on myeloid dendritic cells and macrophages. DC-SIGN binds to ICAM-2, ICAM-3 and is a receptor for certain viruses including HIV-1, transmitting HIV-1 to CD4 expressing T cells. DC-SIGN has roles in CD4+ T cell activation, dendritic cell rolling and transendothelial migration.

Validation: Each lot of conjugated DC-SIGN antibody is quality control tested by MIBIscope™ analysis of stained tissue microarray using the appropriate positive and negative tissue field of views and are pathologist verified.

Recommended Usage: 1 uL of DC-SIGN antibody per 100 uL staining volume using the MIBI™ Staining Protocol.
For optimal results, antibody should be titrated for each desired application.  Suggested starting range is 1:100.

MIBI technology: Learn more about MIBI Technology, a multiplex IHC technology with unmatched sensitivity and true subcellular resolution.


  • Geijtenbeek, T.B., Kwon, D.S., Torensma, R., van Vliet, S.J., van Duijnhoven, G.C., Middle, J., Cornelissen, I.L., Nottet, H.S., KewalRamani, V.N., Littman, D.R., Figdor, C.G., van Kooyk, Y. DC-SIGN, a dendritic cell-specific HIV-1-binding protein that enhances trans-infection of T cells. Cell. 2000; 100 (5): 587–97.

* Conjugate tested on human tissue.

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