CD86 Antibody [E2G8P] – 168Er

Catalog: 716802 
Clone: E2G8P
Isotype: Rabbit IgG
Reactivity: Human*
Application: MIBI-FFPE
Storage: Supplied in antibody stabilizer with 0.05% sodium azide. Store at 4°C
CD86 IHC staining FFPE human thymus
IHC: CD86 staining of FFPE human thymus
MIBI: CD86 staining (cyan) of FFPE human thymus, costained with dsDNA (magenta)
IHC: CD86 staining of FFPE human tonsil
MIBI: CD86 staining (cyan) of FFPE human tonsil, costained with dsDNA (magenta)
Background: CD86 (B7-2, B70) are members of the B7 family of cell surface ligands that regulate T cell activation and immune responses. CD86 is expressed on resting monocytes, dendritic cells, activated B lymphocytes, and can be further upregulated in the presence of inflammation. CD86 are ligands for CD28, which functions as a T cell costimulatory receptor. Interaction of CD28 with CD86 provides the second signal required for naïve T cell activation, T cell proliferation, and acquisition of effector functions. Alternatively, CD86 also act as ligands to CTLA-4, which results in the downregulation of T cell activity.

Validation: Each lot of conjugated antibody is quality control tested by staining tissue following the MIBI Staining Protocol optimized for the applicable tissue format with subsequent MIBIscope analysis using the appropriate positive and negative tissue field of views. These results are pathologist verified.

Recommended Usage: Human FFPE: 1:100 dilution.
For optimal results, the antibody should be titrated for each desired application.

MIBI technology: Learn more about MIBI Technology, a multiplex IHC technology with unmatched sensitivity and true subcellular resolution.

M Azuma et al. B70 antigen is a second ligand for CTLA-4 and CD28. Nature 1993 Nov 4;366(6450):76-9.

Andrew B Adams et al. Costimulation Blockade in Autoimmunity and Transplantation: The CD28 Pathway. J Immunol.M 2016 Sep 15;197(6):2045-50.

* Conjugate tested on human tissue.

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