Novel Discoveries in Spatial Biology with MIBI

Join the researchers already leveraging the high image quality and high-plex tissue imaging of MIBI

MIBI Overview Brochure

Learn how Ionpath MIBI imaging has been enabling advances in translational research and drug development

  • MIBI delivers superior image quality to generate quantitative spatial phenotype mapping of the tissue microenvironment with very high resolution
  • MIBI delivers rich tissue information in detail: identification and enumeration of cell populations; quantification of protein expression (e.g., checkpoint proteins); and spatial interaction insights (e.g., immune infiltration and tumor-immune boundary mapping)
  • MIBI provides high multiplexing with a streamlined, efficient workflow—just a single staining step and a single imaging step
  • MIBI in action. MIBI has already been used in drug development studies and for novel discovery in immuno-oncology, neuroscience, and infectious disease research (see MIBI Publications)
Spatial Insights with MIBI - series A
MIBI reveals actionable insights
IHC and MIBI image and data series. MIBI data from a head and neck cancer study that revealed infiltration by activated cytotoxic T cells in a subset of patients treated with a neoadjuvant PD-1 inhibitor therapy.

Want to talk with an expert now?

Contact us at mibi@ionpath.com

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